Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - My Heart Shouts Their Name

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - My Heart Shouts Their Name

Happy Ruby Tuesday everyone.

Goddess and Handsome are my heart on legs. I would do anything for them. Once upon a time, I was pregnant with a baby boy and purchased these wood hearts to hang on a door or wall. I knew that eventually we would try for #2 and my plan had been to place their names on the hearts. Here we are almost 8 years later and my kids are still asking when their names will be added to the heart. Well, although the hearts are currently still just red hearts; I have added their names digitally and really love the picture.

My Hearts
All photos are taken by me and available for purchase. Please contact me.


  1. That is just beautiful.
    I like how you bought them already having Goddess in your heart.
    You are such a special mother... they are so lucky to have you for a mom.

  2. That is so sweet of you.


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