Maria's Space: Falling Apart In One Piece by Stacy Morrison

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Falling Apart In One Piece by Stacy Morrison

What I Can Tell You: 
I read this book last night in just a few hours. Stacy has lived through one of my biggest fears. Being married is hard work. There are plenty of ups and downs in all relationships but when Stacy's husband tells her he's done you immediately want to hate him. How could anyone just decide one day they are "done"? All parties of a relationship have their own reality and it may not be the mirror image of yours. What Stacy does with dignity, humor and wisdom is see her role as her marriage dissolves around her and comes out better on the other side.

Stacy, isn't most of us. She has a nanny for her child, a good paying job, an ex-husband who wants to see his son and shares parenting responsibilities with her. While I believe most woman in the same situation will not be able to relate to Stacy because of those things, what we do get out of this story is that, regardless of lifestyle, divorce is hard. It is devastating to all parties involved and the raw emotion of the journey from marriage to single again, can and will knock you on your ass!

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