Maria's Space: Bausch & Lomb Bio true Vlog

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bausch & Lomb Bio true Vlog

Just got back from the eye doctor extraordinaire and after a lenghtly discussion on life (I am a 9 year patient), kids, husband, business, and eyes he tells me that my eyes are doing great!

As someone who has had her share of eye problems, infections, and more this is very good news.

Nope, you are not looking at a planet, that is the inside of my eye. Check  it out my eye. So cool...he has a camera that he puts up to your eye so he can see the inside on a computer screen.  The bright part is my retina and the dark thing next to it is a nevus that I have to have looked at every year. All looks good!

Thankfully when I got home, I had a box waiting for me containing Bio true a new product from Bausch & Lomb.
Check out my video blog where I mention a million times that Bio true is inspired by the biology of your eye. Sorry about that B & L. Still not used to being on camera after a year! Need to do it more often.

Biotrue is inspired by the biology of your eyes™. It goes beyond cleaning by being the only* solution to bring together three bio-inspired innovations:
  • Has a lubricant found naturally in your eyes
  • Matches the pH of healthy tears
  • Keeps certain beneficial tear proteins active 
Biotrue works like your eyes to provide you with the health and comfort your eyes deserve, helping to make lens wear easier on your eyes.

What I Can Tell You:
The most important aspect for me on this solution is that, I didn't have to add drops to the lens before I inserted it into my eye. Dry contacts against my eye make me crazy. There is enough lubrication in the solution for me to take it right out of the case and put it into my eye. That says a lot!

I wrote this review while participating in a Mom Central Consulting blog tour on behalf of Bausch + Lomb Biotrue. I received a Biotrue sample and a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I loved your Vlog. The picture of your eye is awesome Unbelievable.
    You good at taking out and putting in your contacts. I suck!! lol

  2. I tried it too. I thought it worked great. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the info - you do a wonderful job vlogging - I have been wanting to trying Bio-True and you have given me the reasons to try it.


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