Maria's Space: 52 Weeks of Happiness - Week 1

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

52 Weeks of Happiness - Week 1

What makes you happy?

This week, I am reminded of how happy I am in my marriage. Getting married to Teach was one of the best things I ever did for myself. He was and is a great "friend" beside being my spouse and in my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in a relationship. After 19 years of knowing him, I can say, I still want to be with him more than any other person in the world. He still makes me laugh and I have more respect for him than anyone else on earth.

If you know me, you know that I hold my friendships very high! Our wedding invitations stated "Today I will marry my friend" and I am proud to say, that I STILL consider my husband, my friend!


I am also reminded of how happy I was when we purchased our home.  My parents had never owned a house and this was a big deal for me. "Bury me in the backyard" was my saying back then because I had moved over 33 times in my life. Now, if you were to ask me if I consider this my final home town, I will tell you, no. It would be OK to move as long as my family is coming with me, I am happy wherever we go.

This was Teach and my first Christmas at house house. Our living room furniture was the chairs from our deck but we were so happy. Our cat and dog were our children and the fire added to the warmth of our home. My how things have changed but, I will never forget how unbelievably happy I was when I took this picture.



  1. Great way to start the happiness trail.

  2. A happy marriage is the best kind of happy.


  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I am so happy that you are happy. You are right about the picture being so different now with the kids.

  4. Maria, what a beautiful post! I completely agree about being married to a friend is so important.
    My heart melted when I read this, I am so blessed to know you and Teach.


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