Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - For Me??

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - For Me??

Awww....Mr. Soldier, you shouldn't have, but I am glad you did!



  1. Buy what can you say about a gentleman in uniform? A nice tough guy I'd guess!

  2. I agree with Ralph, he looks tough! Great capture. :)

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  3. your caption for the photo too.

    My Ruby Tuesday is now posted if you'd care to join me.

  4. So cute! And look, he's even bearing gifts!

  5. What a sweet capture!

  6. Ralph, Everyone sees a tough guy! With the blue eyes and flowers he looks rather shy to me.

    Cafe, Need to stop by and check you out too. Here I come.

    Hootin Annie, Thanks Annie. I love the colors on this post especially with the wood of the building.

    Freda, Yup...he was so sweet to have thought of me.

    Jew Wishes, Thank you. I want this guy standing in my house. He almost got carried over my shoulder but I didn't want to drop the camera.


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