Maria's Space: Alphabe-Thursday - C

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday - C

Jenny Matlock

C = Climbing

C = Caterpillar


  1. What an amazing shot of the caterpillar - did you take that?!!
    And just think, in the not.too.distant.future that little climbing cutie in the picture above it will also spread her wings and take flight.
    Great C post!!

  2. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Both images of fabulous climbers! I love the feeling captured in each picture. Well done!

  3. The pictures are exceptional! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Cool caterpillar crawling!

  5. Excellent photos! Is that cute little girl yours?

  6. Your photos are getting better and better all the time!

  7. What an amazing photo stop here on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

    Both photos are amazing. I love the climbing one, though, because I'm a sissy and bugs creep me out...just a tiny bit.

    Thanks for sharing your photographic talents with us. You are impressive.


  8. Prince Charming is doing a children's talk on climbing tomorrow. But your photo says it all!

  9. Mle, That Caterpillar was huge. I did take it over a bunch of Kindergartners heads. Wish I could have taken some more.
    Trying to let my cutie spread her wings so that I am ready when the nest fleeing comes. Wahhh..Thanks for the comment.

    Alison, Thanks for that. My photos are all about getting a feeling so it is nice to know others can see that too.

    Brenda, Thanks so much. I liked them too.

    Rocky, That Caterpillar was so big. Each kid who wanted to touch it was given the opportunity to do so. Great experience for them.

    Jude, I can only take credit for half of that cutie but yes, she is mine. Thanks for your kind words.

    Freda, Thank you darlink!

    Jenny, Love the kind words. You are so sweet. I love taking pictures and creating a moment that will last forever.

    Magsmcc, Thanks. She was so incredibly nervous but loves testing herself past the scared feeling. I was never like that.


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