Maria's Space: Randomness or Friday Fragments

Friday, October 08, 2010

Randomness or Friday Fragments

I was just looking through a post from September 2006 and guess who commented? It was Renee!  Wow girlfriend you are the best. Thanks for being there from the beginning. Mwaahhhh.

I have giveaways to get to. Don't worry I promise to do it very soon.

Today is National Denim Day. I had no idea until the Lee Premium Sponsor wrote to tell me she would be sending the Lee Giveaway Jeans on Monday. How exciting. So glad I wore my jeans today.

Went walking today with my girl Clary, ran into hubby while we were getting coffee. So weird to run into my man out on the street. It never happens.

Almost got hit my some woman backing out of a parking spot today. She actually had the nerve to tell me to watch were I am walking. I'm sorry, I did watch where I was going, if I hadn't, you would have hit me STUPID! Damn that pissed me off. Still pissed about it. She has nerve! Clary got her license number and we will be annoying the next time we see her. Imagine if it is someone I actually know?!

Still in last place in The Big Hit. Grr....I could so use that win. Oh well, it was nice to experience the contest. It is hard to beg for votes especially when you are going up against other bloggers.

Well, that is all I've got for now. Talk to you all later.


  1. Love the new design and layout! Very festive!

  2. My husband and I have been faithfully voting for you! I really wanted you to win that $5000....what happened to contestant 8 I wonder???


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