Maria's Space: Piggy Paint Makes Goddess Smile

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Piggy Paint Makes Goddess Smile

Goddess has never had her nail painted until this week. At 5 I know that all of her friends have had this done and she has commented "my mom doesn't allow me to paint my nails" in the past. I just felt that there was plenty of time and that little girls grow up way to fast. She always notices someone's nails and while I think it is adorable when I see little girls nails painted, the toxins in polish and how long it takes for them to dry has been a deterrent in actually going for it.

The beginning of the week I received a package from Piggy Paint. I have heard of Piggy Paint and was very curious as to how it could be "kid-friendly". Would it dry in enough time before Goddess got bored? Would it not stain her perfect, pink nail beds?

The package was delivered as I was running out to pick up the kids from school. I was 20 minutes early and pulled out a book to read. Suddenly I remembered the polish in my bag.

I put it on my left hand first than the right praying it would dry before I had to get out of the car! It did. When we got home, I told Goddess, let's wash your hands and I have a surprise for you.


We sat down and I took out the polish. She looked at me with all the innocence of a child and squealed "you're painting my nails?" I said yes and started the first nail. She smiled and shock her legs the whole time. I wish I had someone video taping us. She was beyond excited. The pink polish was perfect. I did her fingernails and toenails. We headed to the bathroom and I got the hair dryer out. Before I could even get it plugged in, the polish was dry.

There was no strong, toxic smell and the polish dried beyond fast!

We plan on getting two more colors (blue and purple) for her stocking for Christmas this year and I know she will be very happy.

Piggy Paint is the perfect introduction for the first time nail polish and I see no reason to use another from here on out.


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    How cute! I bet she was so happy and proud of her nails.

  2. Kimberly1:39 PM

    I would get my daughter a small set for her Christmas stocking. She would love it!

  3. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I would use it to get the cute color Ice Cream Dream.

  4. I'd get angel kisses :)


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