Maria's Space: Happy New Year From My Family To Yours

Sunday, January 05, 2020

Happy New Year From My Family To Yours

I hope everyone has had a great start to 2020. My family and I had a quiet night at home. We don't do anything big. For the past few years my family has requested Chinese take out and that is about it. Hopefully next year I will add some hats, noise makers and more. I always feel bad that I have never made New Year's a big thing. It is. My parents went out often leaving us home. In the morning there would be noise makers, hats and a cocktail umbrella for my sisters and me on the kitchen table. It wasn't a big deal for us but obviously for them.

Being with my little family is my favorite thing in the whole world. Knowing we are all under one roof and safe makes me happy. One day my kids will have lives of their own and not be here. Why would they be? Nothing happens here. I don't feel bad about it, it just is the way it is. My husband sits on his computer and I sit on my iPad. We watch the countdown and the kids come out of their rooms as we get closer to midnight. Anyone else?

I did sit and think about how I want 2020 to look for me.

I want to spend more time with my family outside the house. If not all of us at least me and my daughter. She is always up for something.

I plan on getting outside to walk at least 3 days a week.

We plan on taking a trip to Disney and thankfully with my sister-in-laws help we have a nice financial start. We need to continue saving.

Hopefully I can read more than just the review books I receive in the mail.

I hope to stay more on top of my organizer and journal so I can write posts ahead of schedule. I didn't start a review blog but it has become that. It is time to follow through with this. It is on my list every year.

Hopefully I can do at least a You Tube video a week. I love looking at old ones so I do it for me as well as hoping someone else gets something from it.

I started a bullet journal after wanting to do so for years. Hopefully I can keep up with that.

I plan on learning how to do book binding so that I can make some junk journals.

I hope to pray way more. I do so every night but I want to get more involved in my own personal journey with God.

I hope to get closer to my husband as well as friends and family that I don't see often enough. We have all just kinda co-existed at times this past year and I want to change that.

Hopefully you guys are all excited about the prospect of the New Year and have plans for yourself. I would love to hear them. Please leave a comment below telling me what you have planned. 


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