Maria's Space: A Long Walk Down a Winding Road by Sam Farmer - Review

Sunday, January 05, 2020

A Long Walk Down a Winding Road by Sam Farmer - Review

The 411:

As the mother of a child on the Autism Spectrum I was excited to read this and hoped to be able to share tips and wisdom with my son who will be 17. I was thrilled that the author has a job, a wife, family and has obviously triumphed. While the story was good I was hoping for more. Maybe it is because the author had no idea he was on the spectrum until he was 40 but it would have been helpful to read more in-depth stories from his childhood. I believe many adults are on the spectrum and have no idea. In fact I believe my husband is on the spectrum as well as three co-workers and it hasn't stopped them all from having a wonderful life as has Sam.

Some children do not have good people in their corner as Sam had. He was very fortunate. I have been very fortunate to have wonderful people in my son's younger years.

I do however think my son will appreciate some of the tips Sam shares when he is finally in the working environment like be aware of the personalities of the people you work with and how you shouldn't expect to be respected which is very big in my son's world. He is all about feeling respected.
My prayer is that my son has as wonderful a future as Sam Farmer. I would have liked a lot more on how Sam dealt with relationships in his life and how he was able to have a lasting, loving, mutual respecting relationship with a woman but maybe he felt it was too personal. I wish Sam the best and hope he keeps writing. He has a lot of good information but I would have liked more!

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