Maria's Space: Are Women Really Demanding?????

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are Women Really Demanding?????

While I don't agree with this and could do without at least half, I think it is funny. BTW..Is Rob considered a plain looking guy? Umm...not in my book!

What Women want...

...Plain looking husband

...normal simple ring

...small wedding party

...honeymoon at any place

...small house for the kids to run around

...lovely children

...husband is a family man

...but works hard

...small car for shopping

...another car for kids

...some collections for each occasion

...some nice outfits

...a bit of cosmetics

...a bit of makeup

...overseas trip once a year

...more often on domestic trips


... Presents occasionally

...a bit of Gift to myself

...finally, some securities.

AT ALL!!!!!


  1. Oh how I wish!!! It's nice to dream though, as I sit here in my home that I rent, my me time is either 2am or 5am on the computer, my security is my jar of change, the car in my driveway is my husband's 24 year old pick up truck that is in pieces, the last time I bought makeup was when I bought chapstick for my cracked lips from waiting in the freezing cold to pick my kid up from school, my most stylish shoes are the flip flops I bought for $7.99 in CVS, I have one bottle of perfume and my husband definitely works hard, so much so that he is never home and when he is he sleeps all day!!! I do however have the lovely children....when they have had enough rest and they are not cranky and nasty. I will continue to dream though of my much wanted trip to Italy while in fact the closest I will get is an Italian Restaurant.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    We are not demanding I told you!!!

  3. What, no chocolate on that list???


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