Maria's Space: 2800 Posts Already? News From My In-Box - Loads of Back To School Bargins

Saturday, August 14, 2010

2800 Posts Already? News From My In-Box - Loads of Back To School Bargins

Wow....I cannot believe this is post 2,801. That is just crazy to me.

Kids heading off to college this year? Check out Alibris for 90% off Textbooks.
Save big when you buy new & used college textbooks, homeschooling books, and K-12 books at Alibris has over 100 million books from a network of reliable independent sellers.


Just because it has the word Twilight in it, I want one!


Football is around the corner. Know a Fantasy Football Fan?!
Green Your Home
School shopping is in full swing in my home town. I can't wait until I can shop at Delia's for Goddess. They have some of the hottest styles of the season.


Get the hottest Children's Book for 30% off!

Chronicle Books - KIDS30 Horizontal


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    My hubby has an account to fantasy football. I know so many people that have one. IS CRAAAAZZZYYYYY!

  2. Oh I hope no one tells my husband about fantasy football. We already have to watch it on T.V. and in person. I don't think I could handle anymore :(


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