Maria's Space: Airy Fairy Jewelry Winner Announced!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Airy Fairy Jewelry Winner Announced!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-04-06 18:09:50 UTC

I really wish I could have kept this giveaway for myself but there I go again being totally selfless and passing amazing finds onto you guys. Yup! Sometimes we all need to cheer lead for ourselves and today is a perfect day to do that. LOL....anyway...the winner is YZgirl4. After checking that she is indeed a follower (because that was the entry that won) I sent an email her way.

YZgirl4 said... I love the angelic allure earrings
YZgirl4 said... follower

There were 260 entries on my Excel spreadsheet for this giveaway. Thanks for checking out Airy Fairy and thank you for entering. Wish I had jewelry for all of you, hell I wish I had one for myself.

Keep entering my giveaways and good luck! Someone has to win, it just might be you!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much! I do love the angelic allure earrings..I will be emailing you in a second!


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