Maria's Space: Goddess Models Bebe Girls #bebegirl

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Goddess Models Bebe Girls #bebegirl

Drafted but never posted because the sponsor never got back to me. But too cute not to post
Goddess has had a love affair with clothes since the age of 2 1/2. Even then she used to change her outfit at least 3 times a day. At 4-6 she was my little Punky Brewster wearing fun colors and tutus over stretch pants. At 7-8 and still is she was a little fashionista putting her outfits together the night before including hats and jewelry. At 10 she asked for a mannequin so she could put her clothes on it the night before.  We haven't got her one yet. One day hopefully. Now at 11 she is a classy, fun, sophisticated dresser. She was and still never was one to just toss on sweatpants or leggings and a t-shirt.  She has a real sense of style and always dresses way better than I ever will so I was so excited when she received this box from bebe girls of girl clothes.

The clothes range from classic chic to fun and funky.

Bebe Girl clothes can be purchased at

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