Maria's Space: It Was A Complete Ballocity!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It Was A Complete Ballocity!

ABC Wednesday
Ballocity is a room at the Castle Fun Center where kids basically enter a caged area and get to play with tons of balls which they can shoot out of cannons after loading them up. There are places to climb so you can get to the top and shoot the cannons at kids down below, slides and bags on the floor so you can load those making easy loading for the cannons.

You can see Goddess in the photo to the top left. She was climbing so it was only her legs and a very pink skirt but it was a bonus considering I didn't even know she would be in the picture. Kids are basically running and the area they run through is in the center of hidden areas making perfect photos almost impossible unless I staged something.  None of these were obviously staged.

It was really hard to get a good photo in there as I was watching my step, kids running by and Goddess; well let's just say...thank goodness she decided to wear one of her Monster High costumes. I was basically always able to find her but only as she ran by.

Outside the ball pit is a scene with a princess, horse, stocks and knight where the kid, if they reach can stick their head in a hole for a picture. The top right is a favorite because I spotted her and went to shoot but she was gone so quick I got only a bit of her. She had no idea I was there, just enjoying herself with her friends and oblivious to the camera. To me, those are the best kinds of pictures.


  1. Glad they had such a GOOD time!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Yes, I love the pictures because there is true joy in their faces. I had never heard of "Ballocity" Before. Great word!

  3. Oh what fun!

    abcw team

  4. That looks like tons of fun! I wish we had a Ballocity near us. I would be in there with the kids :)


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