Maria's Space: Happy New Year Everyone - Make It Glorious

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone - Make It Glorious

Well here we are in 2013. Lord knows we weren't sure what to expect this year. Mayans or not, some of us were a little nervous even though we knew it was probably, going to be nothing.

This year I am praying and thankful for so many things.

I am thankful for:

  • My loving, wonderful, amazing, sexy husband.
  • My beautiful, creative, inspiring, loving, funny children.
  • My loyal, crazy, fun loving friends.
  • My distant and absent family.
  • My small, friendly community.
  • An involved school system who cares about the children and families of the district.
  • My online world of sponsors, readers, and comments
  • An ability to brush off the unimportant, dysfunctional, unworthy, obnoxious, unfeeling, unnecessary, callous, people, situations, and moments of life.
  • My grand parents who although I don't get to see them enough, are there on the phone with me every week for a few minutes to discuss the week.

I am praying for:

  • Life
  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • Financial stability
  • For all I know and care about to have a great year.
  • All people to feel love and acknowledged

Last night Teach sent the kids to their bedrooms around 9ish although I thought they should have been allowed to stay awake until midnight if they wanted to. It would have been their first time.

Handsome was out before 9:30 and Goddess around 10:30ish. We toggled between two channels of New Years programming not caring particularly for either. Spent time talking, hugging, and kissing. Good times. Good times.

Hopefully 2013 brings everyone peace, love, health and happiness.

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