Maria's Space: Ugh...School Is Going To Be The Death of Me!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ugh...School Is Going To Be The Death of Me!

Yesterday I got a call from the school 10 minutes after dismissal.
"Ms. Fernandez, your son is here in the office waiting for you to pick him up."
"Uhhh takes the bus. I told him he MIGHT be a walker today but I am not near the school."
"Ok, he thought he was a walker today."
"No! Did the buses leave already?"
"Yes, we could try to call them back though!"
"No! I will be right there."

All I kept thinking was, Goddess is on the bus and Handsome is at the school. UGH! Thankfully, Teach was home and I raced downstairs to let him know he would have to go to the bus stop as I was flying out the door. He raced out the door with me because of my frantic mode but I told him he had another 10 minutes.

The whole ride all I kept thinking was, what is she thinking on the bus without her brother. Is she nervous? Does she think she made a mistake? Does she think something happened to him? Then, I thought about Handsome. What he scared? Did he feel bad when everyone was signed out in the gym and he was left there to be led to the office? Did he think something happened? AND thank God Teach was there and I didn't have to scramble to find someone to get him or her!

When I got to the school he said, "mommy" and came running to me. I asked "What happened?" They said, "he said he was a walker."

"Fine but why was he listened too! He takes the bus unless I call or send a note. That is your rule! There was no call and I didn't send a note!" They said they would talk to the teacher!

While my blood pressure was up and I was frantic, I know it could have been so much worse. The kids seemed fine and Goddess was so excited to have daddy surprise her at the bus stop!

Damn school!

Moral of this story! Don't say anything to the kids about possibly picking them up and don't put much faith in their teachers. They are just people and MAKE mistakes.

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