Maria's Space: When Parents Text Too Much Is Utterly Hysterical

Thursday, September 01, 2011

When Parents Text Too Much Is Utterly Hysterical

What I Can Tell You: 
This was the perfect book for me this past month. It was perfect because my life was split in a million different directions and most of them involved something to do with work of some kind. I was either running my company, working for 1 of my 4 clients, running a community web page and Facebook page, writing, editing, tweeting, Facebooking, cleaning, shopping, cooking, parenting, etc. If I wasn't doing one of these things, I was taking the kids to the beach or sleeping. So needless to say, diving into a novel wasn't something I could fit into my life.  

When Parents Text was perfect because it is little segments of texts people have received from their parents all broken down into categories like; Noobs (parents first attempts at texting) questions, pix, mealtimes, etc. 

It was a funny read and often often left me laughing out loud or LOL (little old lady) as one mom thought in the book. My poor husband  was interrupted often while watching TV so I could read him something that I just had to share. 

Because the book made up of brief texts, this was the first summer I could read at the beach. I am a hover mom and keeping a trained eye on the kids is a priority. I took this book out each beach visit and read because you could read in snippets and for this nervous Nellie Mom, that means everything. 

I have so many favorites but here are just a few:

Mom: I didn't know you had the twitter! Me too! I'm only friends with Elizabeth Hasselbeck and The Pioneer Woman. Want to be friends?

Mom: Just wondering as to your whereabouts..please check one of the following boxes.
Dead in a ditch
Alive in a ditch with broken fingers
Thanks, your roommates

Dad: :I)}
Me: What???
Dad: Me with a beard, I'm smiling.

Mom: Your dentist died. No appt next week. I'll find you a new one. I learned how to make bread.

Dad: I need you to text me
Me: ?
Dad: I'm bored. Sitting on the toilet waiting for the person next to me to leave so that I can release my bowels. What did you have for breakfast?

And, it goes on and on like that. There are 200 texts, nicely organized and ready to make you laugh.

Diclosure: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    This sounds SO funny! I have to check out the website. Thanks for the review. =)


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