Maria's Space: Skinnygirl Workout Review

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Skinnygirl Workout Review

I have never watched any of these shows but as a blogger have heard of Bethenny. She is a household name and you have to respect someone who has come so far in such a short time. She had the opportunity with the show and moved forward. Good for her!
When I got the opportunity to try Bethenny’s Skinnygirl Workout which hits stores next week, I was so excited. Before kids, I was active and love my yoga. I had Yoga tapes galore and periodically took classes in fact, I was in a great class right when I was pregnant with Handsome but the moment they found out, I was told weren't comfortable teaching me and to come back when I had the baby. I did quite a few pregnancy yoga tapes and even after Handsome kept it up. Longing to get back to it I am always interested in reviewing workout tapes.

After 8 years of doing the occasional Wii Yoga I am happy to report that I felt this is a great addition to my house. The DVD is broken up into 3 different sessions (15 minutes, 20 minutes, and 15 minutes and a 15 minutes bonus stretch session).

Bethenny's introduction is nice and short I didn't have to forward. I am more of a jump right in kind of girl.  Since I had worked out in quite some time, I wondered how I would do. The challenge was that I felt rushed at times. Before I could get into a position, they were moving. There wasn't much "holding" but I felt that makes this DVD a yoga and cardio workout. Two in one in my eyes.

Bethenny states "Life gets hectic - some days I have 30 minutes to work out, other days I have 45, and sometimes I only have 15. That's why I designed the Skinnygirl Workout with three quick yoga segments that tone the entire body. You can squeeze in a segment every day, or do a couple several times a week - the most important thing is that you enjoy it.

I don't believe in expensive trainers. I don't believe in people yelling at you. I believe in realistic, sustainable fitness plans. This practice will leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and toned. Whether you're a first timer or an experienced yogi, this is your workout for every day or any day.

Welcome to the Skinnygirl Workout. Make it your own, be consistent and have fun!"

Great stretches
Awesome balance practice positions
Easy to modify for individuals (after abdominal surgery, I am not allowed to do ab work. I have a horrible pretruding hernia) who needs things slower.
Very relaxed, it was as if I were participating in a class and not watching two people "teach" me instruction.
Mike McArdle doesn't coach or act like our cheerleader by taking to us through the camera which can be grating and annoying.
Very easy to follow.

If you are past the intermediate stage you may get bored after a few times.
The camera angles are awkward and occasionally strange.
I didn't love the music. Once I learn a DVD, the music is a great focus for me. It seemed to be nonexistent at times.
Although in great shape Bethenny is "skinny" to me. I work out wanting to look like my instructor, I found her too lean but that's just me.

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