Maria's Space: Tempted By A Warrior by Amanda Scott

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tempted By A Warrior by Amanda Scott

Lady Fiona, wed in haste, has never known marital peace. When last she'd seen her cruel husband Will, he'd struck her - and she has no memory of what she did next - only that she woke later alone in her bedchamber. Will has gone missing, and Fiona fears that in her rage and terror she might somehow have killed him. When her husband's cousin Sir Richard comes to search for Will, Fiona is touched by his warm nature. A knight and warrior, Richard is drawn to Fiona's brave manner, quickly seeing in her an equal measure of inner courage. Confessing that she fears having killed Will, Fiona accepts Richard's offer to help her. Pursuing together the mystery of Will's disappearance, they fall in love. Meanwhile the English are reinforcing their garrison in the Scottish Borderlands, putting Fiona, Richard, and Scotland in peril....

What I Can Tell You: This is the first book I have read by Amanda Scott. The story is set in 1377 Scotland. I am not a big fan of Historical Romance because I get lost in all the details of the history of the era. In school I despised Social Studies/History. I am more interested in people, feelings, emotions and socialization. We are all the same just the landscape changes, so I often find myself forwarding through what I feel is fluff. This is why I always had Amateur Book Review in the title. As I read other reviews of this book, I notice that I seem to be the only one who was unable to get into it. Every reviewer loved it, calling it a page turner and a keeper. I love that everyone likes different things.

Check out the Five Fun Facts

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of Tempted By A Warrior by Amanda Scott from Hachette Book Group. As you can clearly see, receiving a copy, in no way reflected my review of the book.


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I always take your opinions to heart. It does sound like a good book. A little surprise it wasn't intersting to you.

  2. You are so much like me... I usually don't like these kinds of books because of the same reason. I can't stand getting bogged down in the historical crap. I was hoping it would be a good murder mystery/love story (the guy on the cover looks kind-of hot). I think I'll pass because I have so many other things to read right now. Maybe if we ever get to go on vacation, I'll try this one out.
    Thanks for always being honest, that's why I LOVE your reviews over most everybody elses. YOU ROCK!


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