Maria's Space: Amateur Book Review - Hell Yes!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Amateur Book Review - Hell Yes!

I received Hell Yes as part of a campaign from Family Review Network. I had no preconceived ideas about this book and couldn't wait to see what "Hell Yes" was really all about.

Well, basically the idea behind Hell Yes is something we should all incorporate.

As our lives get more over scheduled, we are stretched thinner and thinner. I have spent the past 6 years feeling that I couldn't give any one thing, 100% of my attention. There is always something that needs to be done. People who need our time, bills that need to be paid, dates that need to be kept, time that needs to be managed! Always something!

Hell Yes written by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin is a little book with a great book message. "If it is not a Hell Yes, it's a Hell No. It is that simple.

Don't be thrown off by the title, the book is not offensive in any way. It is a self help book with the simple message.

In A Nutshell: The book is controversial because of the title, which to me makes it more interesting. It's a simple message and one that will help you take control of your life back!