Maria's Space: The Nuff by Veronica Waldrop - INSPIRING EVERY GIRL TO KNOW THAT SHE IS ENOUGH

Wednesday, June 03, 2020


Through a series of adventures, a unicorn with a broken horn discovers the truth about herself and what it means to be enough... or a NUFF. The mission of the book is to inspire girls everywhere to know that they are enough. Ultimately, The Nuff learns that her confidence is not derived from what she does, but from who she already is.

The 411:

What an adorable book and so inspiring. As a preschool teacher and a mom of a girl I love books that let girls know they can be anything they want to be as long as they know they stay true to themselves. In this beautiful story written by Veronica Waldrop we learn met an adorable unicorn and she is called Nuff. A Nuff is a strong and beautiful girl with a powerful heart and brain! She isn't like others because she has a broken horn but that is what makes her so very special. The book goes on to tell us that while we may not look like the doll in the box, or the girls in the magazine we are NUFF! I have some favorite pages like this one that says she shines bright like the sun with her her undone like a grass stained summer queen.  

Strong girls grow up to be strong woman. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them!

This is the perfect book for a new mom, daughter or any special girl in your life. My preschool class loved it. I have read it to them numerous times. 

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. 

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