Maria's Space: Basic Rock Climbing Gear

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Basic Rock Climbing Gear

Photo by Brook Anderson on Unsplash

In the past, the only way to go rock climbing was to get out in the great outdoors. However, rock climbing Denver can now also take place in indoor gyms. Whether you choose to climb indoors or outdoors, there are certain types of basic gear that you need. If you climb at a gym, the facility may provide the equipment, but if you climb outdoors, you will probably have to obtain the gear yourself. The type of equipment you need also depends somewhat on the style of rock climbing you do. If you are just starting out in rock climbing, here are some different types of basic gear you should know about.


A rock climber relies on a steady grip, but as you climb, the exertion and the temperature can cause your hands to become sweaty. This can make gripping more difficult. Climbers put chalk on their hands to absorb the sweat and keep their hands dry. It is customary to keep powdered chalk in a small bag attached to your harness.

Harness and Rope

Not all styles of climbing involve rope. However, for those that do, you also need a harness to attach to the rope and keep you from falling. Because there are different styles of climbing, there are a variety of harnesses that each offer different features. The most basic attributes of a harness are leg loops connected to a waist belt that is reinforced and padded for protection and comfort.


The helmet is an essential piece of rock climbing equipment, especially if you climb outdoors. A fall could result in a serious head injury, and the risk increases the nearer you come to the summit. It can also protect you from falling debris, which could cause serious injury if it struck you in the head.


Carabiners are used as connectors that attach other equipment to ropes. The spring-loaded gate allows you to connect the metal loop to a rope. There are two types of carabiners: locking and non-locking. For a noncritical connection, you can use a non-locking carabiner.

However, you should use a locking carabiner when you need to ensure that the gate will not open on its own. Magnets, screw gates, and automatic twist-lock are all examples of mechanisms that locking carabiners feature. When you need to attach to the middle of your rope or the rope is running through an anchor, a locking carabiner is necessary. Then again, if the style of climbing you are doing does not involve ropes, carabiners of either type are not necessary.

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