Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures May 8 - 16, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

My Life In Pictures May 8 - 16, 2020

May 8 - Pizza Friday means another trip to the pizzeria. My son eats a pie by himself so he doesn't' mind running in to grab them.  My daughter gets the door for him. Honestly, this may be the only time they work together on anything.

May 9 - Yes! That is a dusting of snow. So weird to have snow in May. My poor plants are very upset. We lost all the basil.

May 10 - We are saying goodbye to my Explorer. She served us well and we got her for free from my sister-in-law. I will truly miss her!

May 11 - My son turned 17. It has been a weird year but we had a mini parade thanks to the Police and EMS crews in my town.  He enjoyed his parade and two of my co-workers were nice enough to join it as well as a neighbor. Very sweet and he was so excited to get balloons, donuts, popcorn and candy bars as well as a handmade card from my co-worker.

May 12 - Me but better. Thank you Snapchat!!!

May 13 - This is probably one of my favorite sketches! She is adorable and I don't hate it. 

May 14 - I am so proud of my daughter's work. Look at this art project she had to do while homeschooling during the quarantine. Soooo good!

May 15 - NOTHING.

May 16 - My new car! Isn't she pretty. I am so gonna miss my Explorer but I love all the bells and whistles

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