Maria's Space: Toddler Tales - Goddess Tales

Monday, January 13, 2020

Toddler Tales - Goddess Tales


Tuesday Toddler Tales

For Christmas we got my 2 year old this amazing doll house by Fisher Price. My girlfriend who was shopping with me talked me into going with the more expensive version of the house figuring that I would save money in the long run. She is probably right if I was shopping for a 4 year old who would know how to play with the doll house.

It always looks like the doll family is in the midst of a yard sale when she plays. The house is empty save for a bed she creates with a blanket and a pillow even though there are two beds in the house, the dolls sleep on the floor.

I love listening to the conversation she provides for the dolls.
“Are you hungry? Ok, you’re hungry! I’ll make you something. Here ya
go. Oh, you like it? Do you want more?”

So cute. I love that she creates dialogue.
The other thing she does is with her little people. I think she is going to be an incredible engineer one day. She takes her little people and places them with meticulous precision to create curves and circles.
I heard her yesterday playing with her Little People Castle. She was taking the 500 or more animals and people and having them stand on the roof of the castle. Then she would say,
“help, help” the alligator would be placed near the castle and she would say,
“You need help? I’ll help you cow”
(or whatever animal or person was up there). Then she would have the alligator shimmy up the side of the castle to gather the animal she had placed there. Together, in the same hand she would bring them to the floor where the cow (or whatever animal was up) there would say, thank you alligator and the alligator would say, “you’re welcome cow”. This goes on for at least an hour.

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