Maria's Space: My To Do List In 2008

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

My To Do List In 2008


My To Do List

  1. Make appointment for kids at Peds (3 & 5 year check up)
  2. Get out invites for Son’s 5th Birthday
  3. Pick up all party stuff
  4. Go through Spring, Summer clothes to see what fits, what can be given away, what is going on EBay.
  5. Wash all clothes that will be worn by my kids that have been in storage.
  6. Think about birthday gifts for Son and best friend.
  7. Plan a trip with my sister for June to our Childhood town with our kids in tow.
  8. Finish spring cleaning
  9. Look into a bed for my daughter. (We promised her crib to best friend’s brother and the girl will need something to sleep on).
  10. Go through toys, book and games to see what is staying what is going.
  11. Think about communion gift for my nephew.
  12. Mother’s day is around the corner – Think about Grandma and Mother-in-law gifts.
  13. Get beach stuff out of storage and ready to rock n roll.
  14. Order contacts for myself.
  15. Order wood for next winter
  16. Clean out bedroom of all bags and stuff going to said best friend’s brother.
  17. Organize storage unit for fall and winter stuff.
  18. Clean all computers of old unused stuff.
  19. Order pictures because I will be a year behind this coming August.
  20. Get more photo albums
  21. Pick up water shoes and swim suits for both kids.
  22. Find a home for a car seat and stroller that are no longer needed.
  23. Clean out car of all fall & winter stuff.
Why do I like working from lists? Seeing all the things I have to do in one list makes me ill.

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