Maria's Space: Equity of Evil by Rudy Mazzocchi - ONLY $2.99 at Amazon

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Equity of Evil by Rudy Mazzocchi - ONLY $2.99 at Amazon

Equity of Evil Rudy Mazzocchi 
310 pages; Format: ePub, Kindle, .mobi, pdf, .prc
Available in digital edition only at the present time.
Publisher: Twilight Times Books
For more information visit 
Equity of Evil is a suspense-filled and cutting-edge medical techno-thriller that focuses on the growth, cultivation and trafficking of human fetuses for the multiple cells and organs that provide hope, improved, health and even prolonged life to hundreds of thousands of people. 

Equity of Evil is a scary tale that explores what could happen if business decides that there’s big money to be made in abortion. It describes the things that are taking place in the world of human organ trafficking right now all over the world and how the people struggle with their involvement, either having been manipulated or openly recruited to support these activities, forcing each of them to make decisions that were never really within their control. It touches on the reality of capitalism, entrepreneurism, human greed, human trafficking, assassination, the black market for human organs, and yes, even the love people have for one another.

Get ready to be rocked and shocked into your senses.  This thought provoking book does not take sides on the abortion issue, but it is graphic, clinically accurate, and Mazzocchi pulls no punches when he describes how evil people are willing and able to manipulate others for personal gain. 

Author Bio: 
Rudy Mazzocchi is a medical device and biotechnology scientist, inventor, and angel investor, whose history of starting successful new technology ventures throughout the U.S. and Europe has made him one of the most highly regarded entrepreneurs of our time.  Author of more than 50 patents, he has helped pioneer new companies involved in cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, neurosurgery and even embryonic stem-cell development. Through these efforts, he has become the recipient of many technology and business awards, including the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Healthcare and the Businessman of the Year Award. This is his first novel.


  1. wow 2 dollars! what a steal!

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Wow, this sounds riveting! Thanks!
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com

  3. Thanks for the review I told my hubby about it and he said he was going to get it.

  4. Thanks everyone! Spread the word... and let me know if you have any question about what's behind "EQUITY of EVIL"!


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