Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Santa Photos

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Santa Photos

This past Sunday, I volunteered to take pictures with Santa for a near by Village. As a photographer, I really want to capture a moment, a feeling, just freeze one moment in time to be saved forever. This weekend being allowed to witness families as their children experience Santa, some for the very first time, was a blessing especially when I got to see my own children.  My niece and mother-in-law came in to take them because the last thing I would want is to have them miss out because I was volunteering my time. I leaned over to say "next family" and there they were!

Santa looks a little bit like a deer in headlights but I can tell you that we had been there over two hours and he was still doing the same thing with each child. First he asked for names, then if they felt they were in the nice or naughty book. If one said, naughty and most siblings explained that their siblings were, he would open the book and show them a blank page where their name should be. Then he asked what they wanted for Christmas. He would comment on it and follow up with, "what are you going to leave for me on Christmas Eve?" After he would ask them to hold his hands and they would all turn to the camera where I would get down on my knee and shoot!. Truly the best time. Families were able to pick their pictures up right after, where my friend Kevin and his wife were at a computer and printer printing and inserting them in holiday cards.

I loved this picture of Handsome and Santa discussing the books that I had to play with the color.

What a great experience, I can't wait to do it again next year.

Happy Ruby Tuesday to you. If you have a chance, please check out my colorful photo meme called Color Carnival which goes up Saturday night. It has become a sad and lonely little meme and could use some new blood.


  1. Love that second shot.

    My Ruby Tuesday, please come and see. Thanks!

  2. Ho,ho,ho~ Merry Christmas:)

    Visiting for RT! Hope you can visit mine too..

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    These are great photos... I really love how you colored the second photo.
    The kids are just so adorable and I'm glad you had fun helping out this year.


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