Maria's Space: Breakfast With Santa

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Breakfast With Santa

While out and about with the kids two weeks ago I ran into the Mayor who sweetly mentioned to the kids at least 5 times about a Breakfast With Santa and asked if they were going. I was well aware and had done it with the kids in the past but it is never worth the cost for us. The kids eat nothing and I get sick each time I but since they had answered her Yes when she kept saying are you going, I was strong armed into it. It is a good time; rushed but still nice considering I know about 85% of the folks there. There is something to be said about living in small towns. You always run into friends.

We went in and paid our $16.00 or whatever it was. ate, did some shopping, got our photo taken and then I snapped a few while the kids were talking to the guy in the red suit. He is really nice and has been the Santa around all month so the kids keep seeing the same guy. Really nice so there is little confusion for the younger children. While my kids know this isn't Santa, they know he can tell the "BIG" guy what they want so they did. It is always fun to listen in but I did allow them their private time too. Wish I could have had them wearing a wire so I could listen to what they were talking about but everyone deserves privacy, even my kids.

Picnik collage


  1. What adorable kids you have. They look so cute, talking with the Man in Red. :))

  2. Just to say I am following you....:)

  3. I love the look on Handsome's face in the first picture :) I hope they were both very happy Christmas morning.

  4. Looks like they had fun.
    What a wonderful thing your town puts on.

  5. Thanks everyone!
    Thanks for following BJ
    Renee, I love his look too. He looks like a hand puppet and Santa is making his mouth move.
    Lorie, It was the best time. They have had a great holiday.


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