Maria's Space: Can't Stop Thinking About It!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Can't Stop Thinking About It!

Last year at this time I was getting ready to go into surgery for a problem with my intestine. It was one of  the most stressful, scary times in my life and my anxiety was at an all time high.

Preparing to leave my family to have major surgery right before the holidays made me so sad and I remember being stressed about not being home for Christmas.  It was the most important thing to me. I just had to be home. I remember saying, please Lord, let me not spend Christmas in the hospital.

I went in on the 14th which was the same day as the kids Christmas Concert. In pre op, Teach stayed with me until the last moment. I NEEDED him to go to the school and take video of the kids since I couldn't be there. I NEEDED to see it. Knowing I was going into surgery and had no one waiting for me at the hospital made me anxious too.

The whole fiasco was such a trying time in my life and at such a memorable time of the year that it weighs heavy on me. Hopefully it goes away with every passing year but for now, I am watching the calendar and the clock remember what I was doing this time last year.

To read about the whole thing....go here



  1. No one likes to going to the hospital. It's stressful no matter when you do it, but I can see why it's even more of a hair pulling time if you have to have to go in during the Christmas season.

    I recall a similar incident myself. My surgery was scheduled close to Thanksgiving, though, and we couldnt visit our parents.

    At the time, we only had our two small daughters; ages 2 & 4. I hated the thoughts of being away from them. In the midst of all of the pre-surgery prep, we HAD to buy a washer(ours died) which was delivered while I was in the hospital.

    A large pile of dirty laundry was left behind in my absence, but thankfully my darling MIL took care of all of that for me while she watched the girls while I was in the hospital.

    Thankfully, we were able to make the visit back home for Christmas, but we surely missed not being able to spend Thanksgiving with our families.

    These are memories for us now. So, lets relax enjoy this Christmas season together. =D

  2. I was thinking about your ordeal last year.
    I'm so glad you are back to your old self and are home with your beautiful family this year.
    I also know that they are happy that you are with them.
    Love you!


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