Maria's Space: Your Sunday Best: Week 13

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Your Sunday Best: Week 13

I just found this meme and love the idea although it may be hard to choose just one.

While I took better, photos this week this is my favorite because it really shows their personality. This was for a product review but the faces really tell you who they are. My son and daughter are worlds apart. One is very serious, the other a total clown.


  1. Aren't they sweet? Love this photo. You nailed it -- their personalities really shine through!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best today. I truly appreciate it, Maria!

  2. Great picture, I love it when I get a picture of my kids that really captures their personality also.

  3. Great capture!

  4. So adorable! They certainly do let their personalities shine through.


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