Maria's Space: Shadow Shot Sunday - Within the Lines

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday - Within the Lines

I took a bunch of photos of the kids while waiting for my chance at snapping a Morgan Freeman shot. 
You can read about my Morgan Freeman experience and see photos here.


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    That looks like a blissful spot. The shadows are great. Sorry about the Morgan Freeman shot. You tried!

  2. What a great Shadow Shot. Rows of perfect little squares on the grass. Nice.

  3. Anonymous6:14 PM

    LOVE this shadow shot... plus it has those beautiful kids in it. =)
    I can't wait to read about Morgan Freeman, I LOVE him.
    Lorie of The Shewbridges
    (Sure wish Blogger would fix this crap so I can just sign on and comment.)


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