Maria's Space: Tuesday Takes - My Kids Love Summer Weather

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday Takes - My Kids Love Summer Weather

Tuesday Takes
We spent 80% of the weekend on the deck. It was hot but we had the radio, the laptops and water guns, "jumpy thing", sand table and bikes for the kids.

Picnik collage

I seriously don't want them to return to school. Loved having my whole family home for three days.


  1. It's nice when they're small. The littlest things are so awesome, like backyard water fights. As they get older and do thir own thing it gets harder as a mom to find those rare moments.
    LOVE this story, makes me miss my kids when they were small, but that's a good thing!
    Thanks for participating!

  2. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Great photos... don't worry, they will be home for the summer soon and you will get to spend lots of time with them at the lake.
    I love the photo of Goddess poking her head out from behind Handsome, she is such a trip.
    Lorie Shewbridge


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