Maria's Space: Alphabe-Thursday - F- FUN

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday - F- FUN

Jenny Matlock

My Goddess has been asking for a hula hoop forever. This year she got one for her birthday and was thrilled for about a day. It now hangs in her bedroom but for one day, it was part of "the best day ever".

Picnik collage


  1. This does look like fun! I love the movement you caught in your pictures.

  2. Fun is definitely the word I would choose too!
    Goddess is quite the hooper!


  3. I loved playing with the hula-hoop as a kid. It seems like my best friend had one, but I never did. She always had the coolest toys. lol It's very good exercise. I don't believe I can do it these days.

    Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

  4. Jdaniels4Mom - Thanks so much for taking time to comment. I love the movement too! She was just moving and I was just shooting but it looks like we have captured a proud moment on film forever.

    Freda - She is too much. Loved watching her shaka shaka shaka as she called it.

    Cathy, Aww...I love it. As a child I felt the same way. My girlfriends all had ponies or horses and I didn't but at least I got to ride. Thank you.

  5. I guess hula hoops will never really go out of style! Cute photos!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  6. she's so cute. love the movement in the photos..

  7. looks like she got a workout! Great exercise {:-D

  8. Hula Hoops are good to look at so hanging one on a wall will be a smashing decoration as well as a reminder of a best day. I can't work out why I can no longer make them spin.


  9. Hula hoops are always so fun. I have never mastered one. I got them for our Grands for Easter and they have just been having a ball with them.

    Do you know they have them now with LED lights on them. That would be fun at night in the yard!

    Thanks for the smile and the fantastic pictures of your adorable daughter.


  10. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Great photos, Im sure she will have lots of fun with it again once she learns how to use it. =)
    Hope you are having a great weekend.
    Lorie Shewbridge


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