Maria's Space: Chicken Soup for The Soul-My Cat's Soul And My Cat Sandy

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chicken Soup for The Soul-My Cat's Soul And My Cat Sandy

From kittenhood through the twilight years, our feline companions continually bring joy, love, and laughter to the lives of their "staff." This collection of 101 new stories captures the experience of living through the natural life cycle with our cats — from the laugh-out-loud antics of kittens and tear-your-hair-out escapades of teenage cats to the more mature adult years and final stages of life. Stories cover each age and stage with all the fun, frustrations, special bonds and routines involved. The book also holds a special chapter about grieving and recovery when our feline friends leave us.

I am a huge cat lover and would get my kids a kitten each if there was no litter box involved or litter and food to buy never mind the vet visits. It just isn't feasible right now for us. I couldn't be the owner I would want to be. With all that said, there will be a time when I will present them with a pet and I think a two kittens in a basket would be the best gift ever.

If you are a cat lover this is the perfect book for you. My cat Sandi was put to sleep after 16 years when I was pregnant with Handsome. It was one of the hardest decisions ever. Feeling him move inside me while I held her for her final breath was excruciating and something I will never forget.  I had my mother for 12 years and my cat for 16. She was my very first FAMILY outside of the obvious. I loved the stories in this book and have re-read some as I have been thinking about Sandi a lot lately.


  1. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I have 5 cats- patty, neo, catkin, trinity and eli.

  2. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I am a email subscriber.

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I am a email subscriber.2

  4. 5 cats here as well: Buster, Max, TJ, Wicket, and Maggie.
    And 2 fish, Rainbow and Shark.

  5. entered the Arrivals giveaway

  6. buzz chic subscriber

  7. commented on Mom Trust post

  8. I have a dog and she is a 14yo black Lab named Candy.
    We also have 7 fish in our pond and 6 fish in our aquarium.

  9. 1 Email Subscriber!

  10. 2 Email Subscriber!

  11. 1 Follow with GFC!

  12. 2 Follow with GFC!

  13. Anonymous11:38 PM

    There is Reggie (Blue Fronted Amazon)...Frankie (Cinnamon Cockateil) ... Babee (Gray Cockateil)... Lewey Dewey (Beagle)... Chloe Doe ... Chihuahua ... Erma ... Cat

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thanks bunches

  14. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I have several pets but my cat that I have had the longest is GYPSY. Love her so much. Thanks for the chance.

    alycialovely (at) yahoo (dot) com


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