Maria's Space: Finally Calling Myself A Photographer!!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Finally Calling Myself A Photographer!!

For the past 10 years people have asked me if I am a photographer. I never know how to answer, I mean I have a camera. I snap away like crazy. I have been paid to take photos for a wedding. Photos has been published in a book and in the newspaper. I took photos for the Senior Prom last year. Have had 3 photos appear in the local school newsletter.  Did a photo shoot for Babybindle and recently the school has been calling me requesting photos for the newsletter.  However, I usually say, "no, I am an amateur, who loves taking photos.

Yesterday, I decided that I am a photographer. My husband has been saying this for over 15 years. A professional Photographer told me this last year when he came to take photos for the Avocado pizza and spent two hours with me discussing my pictures and I am finally ready to accept the title!

My second paid photo shoot was yesterday and the pictures are beautiful! It doesn't hurt when the model was adorable, the family happy and the weather accommodating either.


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    You should be proud to call yourself a photographer. You take great pride in what you do the proof are the pictures. Great job.

    These pictures from Holy Communion are beautiful. I agree with you she is an adorable little girl.

  2. Clary, Thanks! It was really fun and I found out I am actually good at talking to the subjects to make them comfortable something I didn't think I would be able to do. These came out so good. I wanted to do this for Jewel! She would have looked stunning! Wish we had done it.

  3. Good for you! Personally, I love your photographs because they are what YOU consider "amateur." To me, that means they look REAL, not overly-touched up and staged to the point of being completely different than what was actually in front of the camera. I think you do a wonderful job and if you lived closer I'd definitely hire you for some sessions!

  4. I've been telling you that you are a spectactular photographer for years!
    How beautiful!


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