Maria's Space: Momma Moments Monday - Week 2

Monday, May 02, 2011

Momma Moments Monday - Week 2

babybindle has started a Momma Moments Monday Meme where they are asking for your defining momma moment of the past week/weekend.

For me, my defining moment was taking photos of a friend's daughter for her first Holy Communion and thinking I need to rethink my stance on religion.

Let me backtrack here. I was raised Catholic as was my husband. Over the last 30+ years I have toggled between Catholic and Lutheran depending on the Church in my area but have always remained more spiritual than religious. My children talk about God as if he could walk in our day at anytime. He is mentioned and talked about daily but mostly in a God is our Creator sense and wants us to be good people but I have not touched much on the biblical sense because well, I am unsure how I feel about that and I am still learning too.

My husband and I had a conversation about this along time ago or so I thought but a few weeks ago he asked, "shouldn't Handsome be receiving First Communion soon? Don't we have to get him into CCD?" I remember a few years back having a discussion about CCD with him.  I was taking them to Church on Sunday and he said, "we are both Catholic but we don't practice, let's not force them, we didn't like it, let's let them make their own decision." Sounded good to me, because I agreed with him that they shouldn't be forced.

However, over the last few months I have been talking to them again about Church and how we are SUPPOSED to go. I really need to sit down and make a decision. They would not be attending the Catholic Church in my town (long story) but I do want them to attend a church of some kind. I believe that faith is soooo important and got me through my darkest hours. They need a foundation and seeing how important this was to the kids I saw on Saturday and the families who were soooo excited about their child receiving really made me think I NEED to do this for me them!

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