Maria's Space: Blue Monday - Go Carts Are Serious Business

Monday, May 09, 2011

Blue Monday - Go Carts Are Serious Business

Handsome had his first chance to drive a Go Cart two weekends ago at a birthday bash for our dear friend Jewel. His face shows just how serious he was taking this race too!

I was concerned for him because he had never done it before but atlas my concerns were unwarranted (I think it is because I feel like I wouldn't be able to drive them). He did fine and as you can see, took things very seriously.

Picnik collage

Happy Blue Monday everyone!


  1. Whee! I love those blues!

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  2. A great way for a family fun time. They wore just the perfect color, blue.

  3. Fun adventures!

    Please drop by at my BLUE, when you have time. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Nice pics. Handsome was very focused. Glad he enjoyed himself.

  5. Nice shots! And yes, he is very serious. Nothing is going to get in his way. What a great way to celebrate a birthday... I think you are gonna have a problem on your hands for his next birthday party. =)


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