Maria's Space: Self Portrait Sunday - Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Self Portrait Sunday - Happy Mother's Day

Oh Mother's Day. I love everything about it. Being a mom is one of the most important parts of my life, everything else is icing. After losing mom when I was 12 I have always wanted to be one. To have a loving, fulfilling relationship with little ones so that if God forbid anything were to happen to me, they would never doubt my love. A Mother's Love is truly one of the best gifts. We love with our whole being. There is no love like the love your heart feels when you love a child.

I woke at 6:15 with Goddess joining me and talking as if I had been awake. Something she does every morning. She doesn't know how to whisper. Her volume is always way too high. Handsome and I had gone to a birthday party of one of his classmates yesterday, while we were out. Goddess and her father conspired and wrapped two gifts that I had no idea I was getting and hid them in her closet.

On Thursday and Friday, I knew that there were gifts because the kids came home from school with things but they were quickly hidden. I love surprises so I never asked to see them earlier and hoped that they would be OK to wait and they were.

Here is what I got this morning.

So surprised that they were able to keep those plants so well tended to. The Hub and Goddess work well together.

Goddess and I stopped for a moment to take a quick photo. Her "belly" hurts but she did muster up a face for us thank goodness.

Sorry for the cell phone picture but it is all I had time for. Busy learning and downloading to my new Kindle. Better photos coming.

This Mother's Day, I wish you all loads of love!


  1. That's a lovely Mother's Day haul!
    I adore my Kindle, you are going to love yours, too. I think Goddess is too cute in that photo and you look purdy!
    Happy Mother's Day, my dear friend.

  2. Cute! Happy belated mothers day!


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