Maria's Space: Kids are Koo Koo for Totally Koo Koo

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Kids are Koo Koo for Totally Koo Koo

We got to review one of the Koo Koo Bird collectibles.

What I Can Tell You:
These would be perfect for Easter Baskets!
The kids were excited to open the package. The bird is very cute and soft, very fluffy. We love his colors and his silly face. The kids shared him, taking him into their respective rooms. He is small enough to go to school with them and has.  While I personally thought, why would they be interested in this guy, he doesn't do anything, they were! So, the proof is in the pudding.


Goddess' birthday is coming up this week and we sat down to ask her what she wanted. She asked for more birds and the Koo Koo carrying case.

Which is reasonably priced at $11.99 at Toys R Us.

Disclaimer: We received a complimentary bird to facilitate this review.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    They cahnged the price to $9.99.


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