Maria's Space: Blue Monday - Cake Pops

Monday, April 18, 2011

Blue Monday - Cake Pops

Blue Monday

This weekend we had Goddess' birthday party at McDonalds where we invited her whole class with only 8 kids showing up. It was totally fine because she was just happy to enjoy time with her friends even it was only 1!

My beautiful niece and her friend have started their own baking service and drove down some of the most yummy cupcakes and cake balls ever. She asked what Goddess liked, I told her rainbows and she created custom one of a kind delectables.

April 16, 2011- McDonald Party (31)

April 16, 2011- McDonald Party (34)

When she finally goes on Etsy, I will let you guys know!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Special One. I love your blue goodies!

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  2. u take good pictures. thanks for sharing them

    check out mine too, it's cute!
    Cute Yellow Plane

  3. Very pretty!

    Would you mind peeking at my blues? Thanks!

  4. Happy birthday my little Goddess!
    Wishing you all the love and joy the world has to offer, you deserve it all.
    Those cake pops and cupcakes look delicious and so lovingly decorated. How sweet of them to deliver them to Goddess. Your family is wonderful.


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