Maria's Space: Gogo Crazy Bones Make My Kids and Friends SOOOO Happy - Home Party

Friday, April 22, 2011

Gogo Crazy Bones Make My Kids and Friends SOOOO Happy - Home Party

We had the BEST day yesterday. We spent Wednesday preparing and getting excited about our Spring Break-Break Up The Week Party. Our schools had too many snow days so the kids only have a three day spring break. Three days off means, a quick week and what better way to schedule play dates with all our friends than to invite them all over for a sponsored bash!

Gogo Crazy Bones are these small colorful, characters that come in 100s of shapes and colors, each with their own distinct look and power. There are 80 different Gogos in five different colors some of which are rarer than others. You look for the stamp on the back which tells you its an original Gogo with fantastic bounce, design and personality! You can find Series 1 – The Originals, in stores now. Series 2 – The Evolution Series, will hit stores near you in May 2011 and Series 3 – Gogo’s Explorer Series will arrive in August 2011!

We had 15 kids and 10 moms over for the most organized party I have ever thrown. I had an agenda, itinerary and was literally waiting at the end for people to just show up.

When I tell you Gogo took care of me for this party...I mean really took care of me. I had 13 books sticker books to hand out and I think each kid walked away with 13 Gogos each!


The kids came in. I gave them 15 minutes to get acquainted and run around. The moms and the babies took turns holding each others kids and everyone was smiling and happy. I sat back and watched so happy to know that all my friends are now friends.

I asked the kids to sit on the floor and started handing out books. Once they opened them.

Here I am telling the kids about the books and the Gogos. I love that my son is the only one paying attention.

Then I proceed to tell them about the Gogos inside and asked if any of them had ever heard of them. Before this campaign, my kids and I  had never heard of them. Two little boys ages 6 and 7 both have two of them at home.  We spent some time talking about the stickers and the books. Each Gogo comes with a sticker which you can put on that particular Gogo in the book. The moms were all impressed and asked if they could find these in the stores now. I told them us and more would be coming out throughout the year.


Next I asked if anyone wanted more Gogos, everyone raised their hands. We played 3 rounds of Freeze Dance and whomever had the craziest freeze won a prize (thank you Gogo!). Next we talked about collecting and trading. There was one trade.

Next we played another 3 rounds of Freeze Dance were I gave out even more Gogos. The boys won each time with one of them even kicking himself in the shoulder in his freeze dance.


Next we played a basket game where I set up a huge empty container for the kids to toss their Gogos in. Whomever got the most in won another package of Gogos!
My kids Gogo Crazy Bones!

The kids were beyond excited and love that they can carry their Gogos in their pockets. They loved the fact that there are so many different Gogos and I overheard four talking about starting a collection. The moms love that they are small.

News Break to My Friends: In May pick up the Silver Tin with painting Gogos.

If one picture can sum up how crazy we are for Gogo Crazy Bones, this would be the one!

Disclaimer: We received all products and information from Gogo Crazy Bones through Child's Play Party.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Wow what a great party!! The kids must love you. Glad to hear the kids had a fantastic time. hopefully I can make it to your next party.


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