Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 23, 2010

 Join The Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY - February 23, 2010
Outside my window...Cold, windy, and snowy
I am thinking...Enough with this snow!!
I am thankful family being under my roof
From the learning rooms...(if this applies) I am learning about balancing my life
From the kitchen...Soup
I am pants and my Sponge Bob shirt. Yeah baby, I'm bringing sexy back.
I am creating...loads of reading comprehension sheets for my son.
I am going...crazy, loco, enough with the snow.
I am reading...To Sin with A Scoundrel, review coming.
I am hoping...The snow will end, I need to see some color in the world.
I am hearing...There will be snow for the next 2 days.
Around the daughter is singing, the fire is roaring, my son is pretending to play football and my husband is talking to himself.
One of my favorite things...Sitting in front of the fireplace and watching the flames. I seriously do love this.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Taxes
Here is picture I would love to share:
My babies roasting marshmallows. I love when my husband does things like this. My daughter said, "I wish it was summertime so we could toast marshmallows." My husband said, "we can do it right now." Then he got the sticks, the marshmallows and sat with her roasting. She didn't eat them but at least she experienced a moment with Daddy.
Picture 779


  1. ~ I'm with you on hating the snow!!
    ~ You are such a great mom making the extra work for your little Handsome because you know he needs the help.
    ~ LOVE the sext Sponge Bob look! You rock it Mama!!
    ~ I love sitting in front of a fire place, too, just don't like to HAVE too. We have a "sterno" one that doesn't throw off heat :-)
    ~ I love that daddy was so sweet to toast marshmallow for Goddess jsut because she wanted them, such a good man! Great photo.
    Hope the rest of your week is wonderful... Hugs to all!

  2. You are an awesome Mom!! One day your kids will thank you for all you do.


    Love the marshmallow pic too. Made me hungry.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I love when I see daddy with the kids. That was very sweet of him.
    You crazy with that spongebob. i would love to see you with it on one day.


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