Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - C

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

ABC Wednesday - C

ABC This week is the Letter "C"

C is for Caring
Picture 679

They are so cute when they care about each other.

Whenever my girlfriend Stephanie comes to visit from Florida she brings her daughter *cough,cough* Kirby! The kids always want a picture with Kirby and the three of them always assume the exact same pose. This time I added the hearts just to change it up.

C is for Cowgirl
Dec 2, 2009 (25)
My girl loves Gretchen Wilson's Red-Neck Women and Don't Let Me Take My Earrings Out! Handsome has actually started calling her red-neck which I find so funny because he is only associating it with the song that she likes.

C is for Cat
Picture 665
The star rattle was Goddess and Handsome's and the kitten is Handsome's although Goddess has taken it over and he seems to have forgotten.

C is for Cheerleader
Picture 671
Well in this case it is the Rocker Cheerleader but a cheerleader nonetheless.

C is for Cemetery
Picture 476
Need I say more?


  1. Great bunch of pics. I still love the one with Handsome holding his sister! Priceless.

  2. What wonderful, colorful shots for the day, Maria! Have to admit, I agree with Fredamans -- love one of Handsome holding his sister, too! And it is priceless!


  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    wow great pictures! You had a lot for "c". I also thought is funny how Handsome calls his sister "redneck".

  4. Hahaha! Love the rocker cheerleader! LOL! Nice kids - lovely to see them take care of each other, isn't it?

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  5. A wonderful choice of C's. So cute, cuddly and clever!

  6. Great photos... I love the one of the kids and Kirby. See how much you need a dog! :-)
    The ones you took at the cemetary are so beautiful, I think you need to post more.

  7. Cute pics!! And the cemetery shot looks incredible.


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