Maria's Space: Orange Bloom Drenched in Morning Dew

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Orange Bloom Drenched in Morning Dew

This may be a stretch for ABC Wednesday "O" this week. But it is all I have that comes close to the theme.

IMG_4444, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.

Isn't this beautiful? I love the dew on this picture.

BTW..these were taken with my Canon point and shoot. Lest someone think you need an expensive camera to take a macro shot.

IMG_4443, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.


  1. Excellent choice! The color is so vibrant and the dew is so amazing. You see dew all the time but up close like that is something to really look at.

  2. These look good enough to eat! Orange is an excellent choice and a color that belongs to autumn.

  3. O, these shots are superb! I'm a point and shoot person, too, but I don't have anything as beautiful as these!

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Beautiful! I love the colors.

  5. Not at all a stretch for ABCW.
    And outstanding orange for October

  6. Again, Maria... beautiful!
    You are an amazing photographer.

  7. Looks like a perfectly good 'O' to me - and the photos are gorgeous!


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