Maria's Space: Being Interviewed By Other Websites Make Me Feel Good And A Tad Silly

Monday, October 26, 2009

Being Interviewed By Other Websites Make Me Feel Good And A Tad Silly

Last week I was interviewed by

Here is my interview

The interview was fun and it was inspiring to read the title of the interview and the first paragraph by the interviewer too.

You never know, you just might see yourself mentioned in the interview so read to the bottom.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I really enjoyed reading the interview. I wish you the best of luck in Blogging. You look beautiful in that picture.

  2. Thank you very much for doing the interview


  3. You look great and you should not feel the least bit silly. You are being recognized for what you do and you do it very well....after all you are my mentor.

  4. Ditto what the other Lauri said!!
    Thanks so much for mentioning me, you are so sweet. I only call them as I sees em..
    YOU are fantabulous, so it is easy to say nice things about you...
    Great picture of you, hot mama!!

  5. Nice lines you have dropped in this post. keep posting like that.

  6. Firstly, that is a great picture of you and, second, ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE 43?! I don't just give out compliments all the time but really, I thought you were closer to my age--I turn 30 in December! And lastly, I didn't know you were 4'11"--you look taller in your pictures--lol Anyway, I enjoyed reading your interview. Hope you had a Happy Halloween with the kiddies.


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