Maria's Space: One Hundred Butterflies Is A Work Of Art

Saturday, October 31, 2009

One Hundred Butterflies Is A Work Of Art

Thanks to my connection at Hachette Book Group I was given a copy of One Hundred Butterflies to review. This was a book I was anxious to receive. My little Goddess has such a fashionation with so many things and one of them like most little girls is Butterflies. It is still amazing to me how excited children get over butterflies and how years later as adults we are still entralled by the natural beauty of this visiually stunning creature.

Product Details

  • Pub. Date: November 2009
  • Publisher: Little, Brown & Company
  • Format: Hardcover, 128pp
  • Sales Rank: 151,796


In One Hundred Butterflies, photographer Harold Feinstein showcases butterfly varieties from around the world, turning exquisite details into mesmerizing works of art. Feinstein's breathtaking photographs capture the color, vibrancy, and infinite variety of patterns that occur on the wings of these ornate insects. One hundred impeccably reproduced, oversized photographs allow viewers to appreciate the Blue Morpho of Central America, the African Birdwing, and the Asian Swallowtail at a scale and depth impossible to experience in nature. An elegantly printed deluxe gift book, it is a treasure for butterfly enthusiasts and art lovers alike.

When the book arrived, both my kids were excited. The big pages, the colorful photos, the minimalist designed pages. Each page had a beautiful, colorful, full-bodied, detailed photo of a butterfly. The coffee table sized book was perfect for the kids to look at together. They have sat together to discuss the book over 3 times this week. Unfortunately being sick I wasn't able to get a picture yet but I will so watch for my amended post.


  1. That book sounds so interesting! We usually only see plain white butterflies around here, although there is a Butterfly Museum nearby in Massachusetts!

  2. I love butterflies too and a book about them would be wonderful to own. Looking forward to seeing your photos of the book.

  3. This sounds like a book my kids will love!

  4. This books sounds just beautiful. Thank you for sharing. My little girl would LOVE it.

  5. Cool book. We got the Bear one and my kids love it. At first they thought they were drawings and not photos.

  6. My daughter is a huge butterfly fan and she would love this book! Thanks for sharing I know what one of her presents will be this Christmas.

  7. I also love butterflies, this is something I'm going to be asking Santa for, along with my $5,000 camera so I can take photos just like the ones in the book. HaHa

  8. This sounds like a great book! I love butterflies (who doesn't). In St. Louis we have The Butterfly House which is a fantastic place to go where they have an indoor tropical greenhouse filled with hundreds and hundreds of butterflies - you just walk around with them flying all around you. It's amazing!


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