Maria's Space: Wednesday Weirdness #47

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday Weirdness #47

This is an interesting post to write after my bible study.

1.) In your opinion, what is your biggest character flaw? Probably that I take things very personally especially when it comes from my husband.

2.) What do you think is one of the worst television shows ever created? Oh I don't know...probably something on NBC, it is the only channel I don't watch.

3.) Have you ever ended up injured after trying an interesting new sex position? I think once, I ended up with a pulled nerve in my neck but not from an interesting "new" position. It was probably some same old position that is been done since Adam and Eve bite that damn apple.

4.) How crucial do you think communication is between you and a regular sexual partner? Do you talk often about what works, what doesn't, things you want to try, etc or do you keep the discussions to a minimal and let the physical flow as it may? It would be wonderful to have good communication. It would be impossible to expect good communication in the bedroom when you don't have it outside the bedroom.

5.) Who are your favorite comedic actors/actresses? Do I have a favorite? I like Ben Stiller, Mel Brooks, Madelyn Kahn, & Jim Carey

6.) In what way(s) do you wish your childhood was different? I wish that my family stayed together longer.

7.) Cotton Candy; Delicious treat or disgusting mess?De-lic-ious!!!

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