Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 16th Entry

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 16th Entry

For Today...

Outside my window... beautiful, sunny, chilly day.

I am thinking... That I am tired of being sick. This house needs fumigation. 3 weekends of sickness is enough!!

From the learning rooms... I am reading and enjoying the bible.

I am thankful for... my husband taking the kids outside to enjoy a few hours with their daddy.

From the kitchen...Grilled chicken and salad was just what this sick mommy needed yesterday.

I am wearing... Jeans and a t-shirt.

I am reading... Eclipse and Emergency

I am hoping... a nice, warm day so that I can open all the windows and doors to bring in some fresh air.

I am creating... a network of friends that I didn't even think was possible.

I am hearing... Snow White. My daughter is watching it for the first time and hasn't sat down yet. She is standing right in front of the TV watching the dwarfs.

Around the house... A basket of laundry that needs folding.

One of my favorite things... reading with my daughter.

A few plans for the rest of the week... get the kids to the park a few days this week.

Here is a picture I thought I would share with you...This is my son on the day he got to take the school mascot home for the weekend. You ever want to make a kid really happy? Throw a stuffed animal in a backpack and tell him it's his for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Honey, Sorry you are sick. Your little one is adorable!
    The laundry will always be there!
    Get better soon!


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