Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 2nd Edition

Monday, March 02, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 2nd Edition

For Today...

Outside my window... SNOW! Snow and more snow. I cannot believe how much there is. Whiteness as far as the eye can see.

I am thinking... That times are hard all over and families need to turn to the people they love for comfort.

From the learning rooms... The bible has become more important than I thought possible. Reading scripture isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

I am thankful for... My girlfriends. Thankfully my support cheerleaders are always there for me to listen and remind me I am important and relevant.

From the kitchen... I am tired of black bean soup. I really want to bite into a nice, juicy steak.

I am wearing... my sponge bob PJs and Halloween foot warmers.

I am reading... Coraline, the bible, and Stolen Innocence.

I am hoping... to find a way to make money really soon. Hopefully someone will answer my add in the local paper or on Craiglist.

I am creating... my updated resume.

I am hearing... My daughter talking as usual, my husband on the treadmill and my son pretending he is a baby.

Around the house... Loads to paper need to be tossed or found a better home.

One of my favorite things... The smell of freshly laundered clothing.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Give the paper a check for my add. Touch base with a few connections regarding employment and continuing to hold onto my sanity.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
There is a soon to be 4 year old under that towel, waiting for mama to dry her off.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the funniest photos I've ever seen! Love it!

    And I remember the first time I started really reading the Bible - reading a one-year version - it's so worthwhile to keep going, :)


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